is a pure functional programming language created in 2012 by Evan Czaplicki. Elm compiles to JavaScript and is excellent for websites and web apps. It has a strong emphasis on simplicity and quality tooling. This language has many interesting properties, some of which we’ll have a brief look at. post
Type system
Pure functional
Compiler driven development
Introducing Elm to the team
If Elm is so good, why isn’t it more popular?
Small community and lack of Elm jobs
Accessibility and re-use
Making a team decision
Elm’s stated goal of maintainability, of restoring a level of sanity to the programmer in his art, is reminiscent of the work of Yukihiro Matsumoto, who, with Ruby, sought to give developers Joy.
The Elm Architecture is a simple pattern for architecting webapps. The core idea is that your code is built around a Model of your application state, a way to update your model, and a way to view your model. github
Lindsay Wardell joins the Elm Radio Hosts Dillon Kearns and Jeroen Engels to talk about Vite and how to set it up for your Elm project. page
elm-pages is a framework for building an Elm single-page app with pre-rendered HTML pages. docs